The Survival Handbook is guidance that provides new international students with the latest information on academics and living. The purpose of the survival handbook is to solve the university website's navigated issue for new international students and help them locate the academic and living information they want readily. Our group applied the ADDIE ID model to design and develop this Project. Next, I will introduce our work from four phases Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation:

Who: To identify the target audience's (new international students) needs, our group employed the people items tool (23 interviews) to analyze and identify what academic and living information the new international students might require.
What: Utilized documental recovery (SAN JOSÉ STATE UNIVERSITY) and people item (international office staff's interview) to decide the website as the delivery tool and determine what content we would design.
How: Through document recovery (Definition of the benefit of Survey) and mining literature base (textbook), we decided to use net-survey methods for receiving feedback.
In the design phase, we identified our project's learning objectives that were related to academic and non-academic information international students required. Next, we provided the specific content of the handbook from the content outline and flowchart.
In the development phase, we developed a storyboard to show specific steps to operating our survival handbook. We also provided a document package that including all materials for training.
Project evaluation: Using the Likert Scale Questionnaire (Useless - Very useful) to identify the project's problem and improvements.
Student learning: The observation was used to gauge the trainee’s mastery of the survival handbook website's operation.
ETEC 544 Reflection
In the 544 design, our group learned how to use the ADDIE model to construct our learning projects. Firstly, In the analysis phase, we used an online survey to figure out the main needs of new international students. Then, we specified learning activities according to relevant needs, that was, academic and living. During the design process, As the purpose of our project was to demonstrate these needs clearly and simply to new international students, we just abstracted the important information links and apps rather than using complex text demonstration. In the development and implementation phase, our group used the website to deliver our projects because it would enable students to check the relevant information from anytime and anywhere and there were no limitations to devices. In the Evaluation phase, we conducted respectively online survey and checklist to check the effectiveness of learners and instructional materials.